P.O. Box 495
Livingston, LA. 70754
Crusade - Migori, Kenya Africa

Crusade - Migori, Kenya Africa - Over 1 Thousand Saved!

Praise God we have returned from our second crusade this year which occurred in a rural portion of Kenya, Africa called Migori.  The Lord moved in miraculous ways as the lost were saved, delivered and healed by the power of God.  As always the battle was hard fought and we sustained many difficulties, but we give blessings to the Lord for the victory.  On multiple nights we had very heavy rains that affected the attendance, but weather did not prevent the moving and operation of God's Spirit.  Over 1 thousand souls were saved throughout the crusade with 13 confirmed healings.  The man pictured here was our security guard whom we hired to watch over our equipment as it was left at the field each night.  This man has been a solider in the Kenyan military and sustained a back injury in which he has not been able to bend, twist or move without excruciating pain.  As I began to pray for the sick to be healed the Lord spoke to me that He was going to heal someone's back.  As you can see him here in the photo testifying before all by twisting with no pain.  Praise to our Lord the Healer!  Thank you for all of the support and prayers that went into this Crusade we could not and can not do it without you.  Please stand with us in support and prayers as we plan and prepare for our next major evangelistic crusade which will be in Tanzania Africa.  May the Lord's love, mercy and grace extend to the lost, hurting, dying and needy.