P.O. Box 495
Livingston, LA. 70754
Crusade - Katorro, Tanzania Africa

Crusade - Katorro, Tanzania Africa - 7,753 Souls Saved!

Praise God for His outpouring!  I want to thank you all for your support and prayers.  We faced the hardest trials while preparing and conducting this crusade, but we are able to see now why the enemy fought us so hard.  I am excited to report that we had the greatest amount of souls saved in our history during this crusade.  Our final count was 7,753 first time conversions!  The local Pastors which were 63 in number are currently busy discipling these new converts.  Also, we had multiple healings throughout this crusade including a woman who had stomach pain for over five years. As I was praying for the sick the Lord quickened that someone there was suffering with this sickness.  When I prayed for the stomach of this individual whom I knew not where she was, she stated that she felt as if 2 hands had wrapped around her waist and begin to squeeze.  After this, she felt no more pain and has continued to not feel anymore pain.  Praise God for His healing power! 


I want to personally thank each and everyone one of you who helped us financially and with your much needed and desired prayers.  Thank you for standing with us to reap the harvest for the Lord.  Please, continue to lift us up in prayer as we seek the Lord for our 2020 crusade schedule.  We had over 10,000 souls come to the Lord during 2019 and we are expecting the Lord for double that in 2020.  Stand with us this year as a monthly ministry partner to see the dying, hurting, lost, lonely and afraid come to salvation.  Let those who have not heard, hear and receive as you have had the opportunity.  Please contact us though this website contact button or write to us if you would like to receive more information about our ministry or speak to your Pastor about me coming to speak at your local church.  Help us fulfill The Great Commission!


God Bless, 

Joey Mack

Missionary Evangelist