P.O. Box 495
Livingston, LA. 70754
Crusade - Kehancha, Kenya Africa

2nd Quarter Crusade - Kehancha, Kenya - Africa - Over 2 Thousand Saved!

We have just got back from our first crusade of the year, where the Lord poured out unto us.  The crusade took place in a rural area of Kenya called Kehancha.  As usual the enemy was not happy with us bringing light unto darkness.  This particular area has been forgotten by much of Kenya and many superstitions and customs were dominate amongst the people.  The first night we suffered much adversity and setbacks as the sound system was interrupted on numerous occasions, but as our Lord began to save, set free and heal the people, we recieved our breakthrough and the crowds began to grow and intensify with each nightly service.  Throughout the crusade over 2 thousand first time conversions occurred with 13 confirmed instant healings.  Our largest attended service consisted of a little under 4 thousand in attendance.  After leaving we continue to hear how specific things prayed for such as mothers coming out of prostitution and back to their families have been continually been fulfilled.  

Thank you for all of your support and prayers for this crusade to occur.  Please continue to stand with us as we prepare for our next crusade which will occur the first week of August, also in a rural area of Kenya.